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White Papers

Sheet-Metal: A New Reality

CAD knowledge is drifting. No longer solely the domain of CAD designers, a growing number of specialized sub-contractors are creating and adjusting designs for their clients to save time and money. While the knowledge drift challenges the traditional view of the product development workflow, the value it can bring to a sub-contractor’s competitiveness is significant. Learn more about the knowledge drift, as well as some best practices for increasing loyalty among current customers and attracting new clients by leveraging this new phenomenon.


SpaceClaim in Manufacturing

Today’s manufacturing engineer often has many roles, whether preparing products for production, providing sales support or developing concepts for quotations and bids. With such a diverse set of tasks it is often hard to be an expert in 3D CAD. SpaceClaim’s direct modeling tool is easy to learn and use, and has proven invaluable in areas such as 2D data reuse, data editing/repair and feature removal & adaptation.

In this report, Al Dean, Editor-in-Chief of Develop3D, explores how three leading organizations have adopted 3D design workflows and how their businesses have been enhanced through the use of SpaceClaim. He also explores how the tools within SpaceClaim, which are designed for use by non-experts, support these processes.


Smart 3D Tool Helps Shops Boost their Bottom Line

As a smaller shop, you might be wondering if there is an alternative to traditional feature-based 3D CAD. It works well for large, complex designs such as an entire aircraft. The downside is that to run the software without disastrous results, you must keep well-trained, full-time certified CAD experts on your payroll. Fortunately, a different approach from SpaceClaim called “direct modeling” gives shops a less costly and simpler way to build models, create concepts, reverse engineer parts, and win competitive bids. 
